#19 A Leap of Faith and Saying Goodbye: A Conversation with Tia Jones
Nov 04, 2021
I often find myself saying, "I'm so glad you're here."
When I write or record video, I try to picture you and the other folks in this community as I write or talk. A huge sense of gratitude comes up in me every time. Gratitude that you're taking time out of your day to spend with me AND that you're a part of my journey.
You're in for another treat with this podcast episode. You probably have someone in your life who brings a smile to your face whenever you think of them. Tia Jones is one of those people for me.
She and I have been friends since we met on the Parelli campus back in 2006. She's passionate about all things horse.
She comes from an engineering background and can find patterns in the most complex issues. Then, she also has the ability to explain the complex, in ways that people can understand. She loves people and has a contagious sense of humor. If you know Tia, I'm sure she's on your list of people that bring a smile to your face. If you don't know her, you're going to get to know her a bit through this interview.
She shares about how she got started with horses- if you're like me- you'll see a lot of your own story reflected in what she shares. She also shares about a huge leap of faith she took in leaving her comfortable, corporate job to pursue her dream of working with horses.
We then delve into a tough topic- saying goodbye to a horse. If you've ever had to, or will need to in the future, I think you'll find a lot of information, support and heart in this conversation.
Thank you again for being here!
You can watch the podcast here https://youtu.be/Nv1nlQ9qKG4
You can listen to it here https://www.shinealightproductions.net/podcasts/a-learner-s-journey/episodes/2147624473
I think this is a conversation that can benefit all horse lovers. If you know someone who needs to hear it, please feel free to share the links above.