#29 Taking Control of the Flashlight- The Natural Power of Focus

Jan 12, 2022

You want to be better for your horse. You watch videos, read books, take lessons and go to clinics. You might even think about improving your horsemanship skills when you aren't with your horse. In our Facebook group, Jen B shared that she practices her riding while she's sitting or driving in the car- sound familiar? 

One of the things we've all heard AND I think we'd all agree is a key component of our horsemanship, is the importance of being present with our horses. That when we're with them, our mind is not wandering off, thinking of all the things we need to get done or wondering what others are thinking of us. We can only expect our horses to be as connected and present as we are. 

Similar to practicing our rein handling or posture while we're away from our horses, we can also strengthen our ability to be present AND to notice when our mind wanders and bring it back. 

When our Facebook Group opened on New Year's Eve, I shared a 3 word challenge with you. Think back over 2021 and think of 3 words that represent the year. It has been so fun to read what everyone shared. If you aren't in the group yet, click here to join.

My 3 words were:

Allow (explained in this podcast)

Gratitude (will share more about this in a couple of weeks)


I chose attention because 2021 involved a ton of learning and life challenges. At times it was super challenging to be present because I had so many things on my mind- an ever changing to do list. I don't think I'm unique in this- I'm sure you can relate...

I also got really into listening to podcasts- especially while doing my morning chores. Back in November, an interview with a woman named Amishi Jha, PHD, who studies attention, grabbed me. She shared the analogy of our attention being like a flashlight and sometimes what we want to be paying attention to (our horses, our loved ones, a great book, etc) gets overtaken by other things that our flashlight gets directed to (a noise, a thought, an emotion). Sometimes it can feel like we have no control of our flashlight- it's like a light show at a rock concert! 

In her book (Peak Mind: Find Your Focus) Amishi, studies how a few simple exercises can help people improve their control of their attention AND their memory. Who wouldn't love to have a better memory! 😆

One of the exercises she writes about reminds me of the Follow the Rail pattern that is taught in the Parelli program. The pattern is basically that if our horse follows our focus and stays on the rail, they find comfort and the rail becomes a sweet spot. It's a super simple pattern but there's a lot of richness in it. It challenges us to have a clear focus so if our horse starts to drift from the rail, we feel it right away and can correct them with as little pressure as possible. It requires us to be present AND to leave our horse alone if they're on the pattern- not hold them there. 

The exercise she shares is like a Follow the Rail for our brain. It involves sitting for 12 minutes (she encourages folks to just do 1-3 mins at first). Start with shining your flashlight on your breath- notice where you feel it- in your nostrils, your chest, your belly? Feel the sensations change depending on if you're breathing in or out. Eventually your attention will drift, as soon as you notice that this has happened, bring your attention (flashlight) back to your breathing. This is where the "muscle building" of the exercise happens. When you're able to notice that your mind has drifted and you bring it back. Each time you do that, you're building your ability to control the flashlight. 

A key part of this is to not get frustrated when your mind wanders- that's what minds do, but to celebrate that each time you notice and bring it back, you're improving your attention. Just like if you're riding the Follow the Rail pattern and your horse comes off the rail- instead of getting frustrated that they've come off the pattern, you can celebrate that they got another opportunity to find out where the comfort is and to get into harmony with you.

It's been a game changer for me. I feel the benefits in my work, with Brett and the dogs, AND with my horses. I'm more able to be present and my skills of observation have improved- which then improves feel, timing and balance. 

Here's a link to check out her book https://amishi.com/books/peak-mind

Here's a link to the podcast interview I listened to that started it all off https://lewishowes.com/podcast/how-to-master-a-peak-mindset-find-your-focus-own-your-attention/

The quest to improve for our horses is never ending. The quest to improve for our horses, improves our lives. 

I'm grateful you're on this journey with me!  

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