#40 Getting the Mind... The Catching Game
Apr 06, 2022
I have a foot in 2 different virtual clinics as I write this. One foot is in the clinic with John and Kathy Baar- Raising the Baar Virtually (that is in it's final week) and the other is preparing for the next event which will be coming your way in May with Charley Snell.
This morning I was rewatching a video I put together last year as I was getting to know Charley, studying with him at his place in Redmond, Oregon and starting to put together the virtual clinic which became Letting Go of Trouble.
As I watched the video, I realized that a core piece of what Charley teaches matches a core piece of what John and Kathy are sharing with us: having our horse's mind with us and going with our ideas and how the heck to do that.
John and Kathy refer to it as the Catching Game- getting mental connection, not just physical and having this carry over into everything we do. Charley refers to it as getting our horse's mind, asking them to let go of a thought and go with ours. These concepts have been passed on through the generations from master horsemen and women. In this case, Ray Hunt is the common thread between Charley and John and Kathy.
I will forever be grateful for all of the people who are willing and interested to share what they know with all of us.
Last year, I put together a series of videos to help introduce folks to Charley. You may have seen this video already, if you have, I'd encourage you to take a look again. It's amazing to me how many times I'll return to a video or book and see or read it with a whole new understanding.
If you haven't seen it yet, it's a collection of videos with Charley talking about the concept of getting your horse's mind. I hope you enjoy it and find a snippet or 2 to take into your next session with your horse.
If it grabs your attention- gets your mind- I'd love for you to join Charley and I in May for a wonderful opportunity to learn more with him: Letting Go of Trouble
Here's a link to the blog post that is mentioned in the video: Part 1