#47 The Safety of Firmness
Jun 02, 2022
Firmness is something I need to improve in my horsemanship toolkit. There's safety in it when applied with fairness and care for our horses. This week I decided to share a video instead of writing out my thoughts on this... I'd love to hear what you think. You can share your thoughts on A Learner's Journey FB Group (it's a private one) OR shoot me an email.
Here's the video...
All Categories a learners journey podcast adjust to fit the situation anna bonnage attention authenticity beginnings being effective being pleased beth moran boundaries breath broken back bucking canter carol coppinger challenge changing a thought charley snell circling comfort zone comparison competition confidence connection contact cooking courtney crane creativity cultivating joy curiosity david lichman definitions downward transitions dr susan fay dressage elli pospischil equine trail sports erin sauer euthanasia feel firmness frustration gratitude greatness habits harry whitney horse development horsemanship horsemanship lessons ingredients injury james clear jane pike john baar judgement karen rohlf kathy baar kristi smith lateral flexion leap of faith learning learning frame of mind learning zone lena haug libby lyman lillan rome linda parelli listening making mistakes making rules massage course mindful mindset moments of joy mongol derby motivation mountain climbing guide mustangs natural power of focus nita jo rush observe pat parelli patterns perspective podcast progress ptsd questions raising the baar virtually resolutions rodolfo lara ross jacobs russell higgins ryan rose self improvement self-compassion separation anxiety shut down zone spooking stephanie burns suede sweet spot tammy harty the allow the middle therapy with horses tia jones tom moates traffic lights trail riding trailer loading transitions virtual clinic visualization warwick schiller zones of learning